INSTALLING THE PROGRAM Note: The only file installed in the Windows System directory is VBRUN300.DLL. All other files are installed in the destination directory you specify. If you experience installation difficulties please contact: Ronald Swerdfeger 3453 Marydale Ave. Cornwall, Ontario Canada K6K 1P6 613-933-7871 From the Run option of the Start Button, or from the File menu of Program Manager, select Run and type: [drive:]\setup ie. b:\setup When setup prompts with "Install From: " please type: [drive:]\ ie. b:\ If you are installing the shareware version copied from an online service: From the Run option of the Start Button, or from the File menu of Program Manager, select Run and type: [source path]\setup ie. c:\download\unziped\setup When setup prompts with "Install From: " please type: [source path] ie. c:\download\unziped